Musical Chairs Z80 3.0
Musical chairs is an exciting game where people walk, run or dancearound chairs one fewer than the number of players as long as themusic plays. One problem is that one person has to stay outside thegame so to push the STOP button on the device where the music comesfrom. But the biggest problem is that sooner or later the playerswill start feeling that the music stops always on purpose when theyare in a position where they cannot seat. At this point comes"Musical Chairs Z80". You don't have to worry anymore about allthese. It is the application you need to have installed in yourAndroid phone and you along with the other player will enjoy a fairplay with funny music. You only have to specify the interval inseconds where arbitrary the alarm sound will start telling that theplayers have to seat immediately on the chairs. Please contact usand let us know any thought of you about this game have a lot offun!
VMedia 1.0
Εφαρμογή για συσκευές Android(τηλέφωνα/tablet)μέσω της οποίας επιτελούνται σχεδόν όλες οιαπαραίτητες λειτουργίεςπροκειμένου να παρακολουθήσει κάποιος τιςεκπομπές του τηλεοπτικούδιαδικτυακού σταθμού VMedia καθώς και τοblog του. Κατά την έναρξητης εφαρμογής προβάλλεται το μενούπλοήγησης μέσω του οποίου μπορείο χρήστης να επιλέξει ανάγνωση τουblog που διαθέτει ο σταθμός,παρακολούθηση εκπομπών, τόσο ζωντανώνόσο και καταχωρημένων στοαρχείο αλλά μπορεί εναλλακτικά να έχειμία ακουστική ακρόαση τωνζωντανών εκπομπών σε περίπτωση π.χ. πουλόγω αδύναμου σήματοςδιαδικτύου η μετάδοση της εικόνας παρουσιάζειπροβλήματα.Application fordevicesAndroid (phone / tablet) through which performed almost allthenecessary functions to monitor the emission of a web TVstationVMedia and his blog. At the start of the displayednavigation menuthrough which the user can choose reading the blogthat has thestation, monitoring programs, both live and registeredin the filebut may alternatively have an audio listening studiowhere p. x.due to weak internet signal transmission imagepresentsproblems.
Collect the energy balls from the asteroid in this single-sceneamazing game.
Zathura, cards shuffler 1.0
This game shuffles and displays the order-cards of the "Zathura"game board
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